U of A Volunteers

What do we do?

Camp Wildcat is a student-run nonproft organization dedicated to taking kids from Title I schools on cost-free, weekend-long camping trips. Our U of A student volunteers are essential to making this happen. Volunteer acivities can be roughly divided into two categories:

Non-Camp Activities:

  • Fundraisers

  • Weekly Meetings

  • Socials

Camp-Related Activities:

  • Weekend Camps

    • Adventure Camps

    • Big Camps

  • Day Hikes

  • Mock Camps

Who are we?

Camp Wildcat volunteers are current undergraduate students passionate about the outdoors and helping the local Tucson community. Any student of any major at the University of Arizona is welcome to join; there is no application process or interview necessary. While the club does require that student volunteers pass a simple background check, there is no minimum time commitment or fees/mandatory dues.

How can I join?

If the above description sounds like something you would be interested in, contact our Campus Relations officer (campusrelations@campwilcat.org) to get on our email list and GroupMe.

Already a member? Looking to become one?