Camp Wildcat

Helping Little Feet Take GIANT Steps

Camp Wildcat 60th Anniversary Celebration

 is April 25-26, 2025 in Tucson

On the weekend of April 25-26, current CW students and CW alumni from every era will come together to celebrate 60 years of Camp Wildcat! From the vision of student Rich Shogren in 1964, the lives of hundreds of UA students and thousands of Southern Arizona youngsters have been touched through shared community and fellowship - and that is something definitely worth celebrating!

You, your spouse or significant other, and your families are all invited to join us for several events we have planned on Friday, April 25th and Saturday, April 26th in Tucson, AZ, culminating with a 60th anniversary celebration fundraising dinner at the beautiful Doubletree Reid Park on Saturday evening.

Learn about all the special events we have planned
and let us know which ones you can attend by RSVPing today 

Purchase your tickets to the Celebration Dinner using the form below! Choose from General Admission tickets ($60); Premium Silver Sponsor tickets, which cover the admission of one CW student ($100); or "Golden Truddy" tickets, which covers two students ($150). All tickets include dinner, while Premium Silver and "Golden Truddy" include extras such as recognition in the evening's slide show, and "Golden Truddy" tickets come with paper plate awards and more fun CW surprises! A cash bar will be available. 

We hope to see you there for fun times, reminiscing with old classmates, and meeting current CW students and learning about all the cool happenings they've got planned for the present and future of Camp Wildcat! If you have any questions, please email us.

We're devoted to helping Tucson's youth!

Established in 1965, Camp Wildcat is a student-run, non-profit organization at the University of Arizona that provides quality, cost-free camping trips and day activities for underserved and underfunded schools throughout the Tucson community. We offer children the opportunity to challenge personal limits, build interpersonal skills, explore creative outlets, enhance self-esteem, and view higher education and personal success as attainable goals!

Our non-profit organization is composed of over 100 University of Arizona student volunteers. Since our creation in 1965, we have done all administration, fundraising, and camp directing without any paid staff or faculty assistance. Each year, Camp Wildcat members perform over 30,000 hours of community service towards helping Tucson's youth! Click here to see a list of our Board of Directors.

As an IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Camp Wildcat looks to businesses for tax-deductible donations. Special thanks to all of our donors! Camp Wildcat is also eligible for the Arizona Tax Credit Program for Contributions to Qualifying Charitable Organizations. If you are interested in making a charitable contribution to Camp Wildcat, please click here!